哈佛耶鲁靠边站 咱南加有全美第一好大学

哈佛耶鲁靠边站 咱南加有全美第一好大学

哈佛耶鲁 一直是华人心目中的顶级学堂,但是富比世杂志(Forbes)29日公布全国最佳大学(America’s Top Colleges),南加州克莱蒙市的私立波莫那学院(Pomona College)超越哈佛、耶鲁跃居全美第一。南加的孩子再也不用往东部去念名校,因为最佳大学就在家门口!


哈佛耶鲁靠边站 咱南加有全美第一好大学




该校是克莱蒙学院联盟(Claremont Colleges)的一员,该联盟包括五所本科学校和两所研究所。克莱蒙市位于圣盖博谷内,洛杉矶县东端。波莫那学院总学生数大约一千多人,学生们可以任选联盟内五所学校的所有课程,并不仅限于本校。其中一所Harvey Mudd学院是理工名校,毕业生起薪全美第一。

排在波莫那学院后面的第二名是威廉学院(Williams College),史丹福大学排名第三,紧随其后的分别是普林斯顿大学、耶鲁和哈佛。排名靠前的还有Swarthmore College,布朗大学和麻省理工等。

The Story of Pomona

In the desert landscape that was inland Southern California in 1887, it took audacity to imagine “a college in a garden.” Yet far from the ivied halls of the Northeast, Pomona’s founders envisioned “a college of the New England type,” with small classes, close relationships between students and faculty, and a green jewel of a campus. From that beginning, Pomona has grown to be one of the nation’s premier liberal arts colleges. Located in Claremont, Calif., on a campus where ivy and palm trees coexist under habitually sunny skies, Pomona offers an environment for intellectual development and personal growth that is second to none. Today, Pomona offers its approximately 1,600 students–evenly divided between men and women–a comprehensive curriculum in the arts, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. With a student-faculty ratio of 8 to 1, students have the opportunity to work closely and collaboratively with professors who are also top scholars in their fields. Students and faculty challenge each other in laboratories, classrooms, and co-curricular activities, and everyone benefits from the energy generated by such an assemblage of sharp and eager minds. …



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